155 Growing Mature Products is Product Management

Janna Bastow, Co-Founder of Mind the Product and ProdPad, shares her approach to product roadmapping, backlog grooming, and running experiments. Get the latest updates from the show at www.thisisproductmanagement.com.

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Episode 40: Mahbod Moghadam

Mahbod Moghadam is a cofounder of (Rap) Genius who recently resigned last year. This episode is a bit like a therapy session: We discuss Mah…

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Why Product Managers Should Break Down Silos?

I trust we all know what a silo is. IÕm not talking about those tall windowless structures designed to store grain, though they do bear some resemblance to the more dangerous kind in organisations. You can spot both from a…

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How to Avoid Costly Surprises in Connected Product Design

When designing connected hardware products, there are many ways in which a project can go sideways and end up way over budget before the product is completed or in a manufacturable state. We’ve seen this happen countless times and it’s never one person’s fault, rather a lack of understanding of the full product design process and a lack of the experience necessary to avoid these cost surprises.

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Managing UX debt – Department of Product

One of the most difficult trade offs is knowing when a design meets the challenge of being an elegant solution vs. overspilling into the pursuit of perfection.

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B2B SaaS Product Management Needs Behavioral Expertise

B2B SaaS are missing the opportunity to understand and model their user base: boosting satisfaction and revenue by identifying how successful customers behave during their revenue journey

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