The Mindset of Empowerment by Laura Scanga

As a product manager you’re the monkey in the middle. You have multiple stakeholders, all with different and sometimes competing demands, and it’s your job to manage these. A successful product manager will remove themselves as a barrier, and bring people to a shared understanding through a customer mindset. In this ProductTank London talk, new product and market growth consultant Laura Scanga shares some thoughts on how best to do this and which tools and exercises can be useful.

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Introducing Mind the Product Membership

Since then, we’ve put down roots across the globe and are no longer a community of just 25. Today we’re 200,000+, making Mind the Product the largest community of product people in the world, something we’re extremely proud of.

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Georgie Smallwood on Product Culture, Leadership and Fintech

Georgie Smallwood has a lot to say about the different ways that product management is practised around the world. In a product career that has taken her from Australia to Hong Kong and to Europe, she’s currently Chief Product Officer for Berlin-based challenger bank N26. She’s spent her eight years in Product working for a variety of digital companies – from startups to publicly listed multinationals.

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How Uniregistry Used Smoke Testing in Product Validation: A Case Study

It’s said that more than two-thirds of software projects fail to deliver expected results. As a result, the team at Uniregistry decided to take a new approach to product validation in an attempt to avoid the same fate. Here’s how they used smoke tests to explore a new opportunity.

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Priorities for Prioritization

Prioritization techniques such as RICE, MoSCoW and Value versus Effort are not complicated in theory but in practice, most Product Managers struggle with prioritization and research such as The state of Product Leadership 2020 shows that we’re not especially good at it. However good foundations can help teams to focus on what’s most important.

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Monthly Members Roundup – May

These first four weeks of Mind the Product Membership have gone by in a flash and, if you signed up already, we hope you’re enjoying the experience so far. Behind the scenes, we’re working hard to bring you more of the stuff that matters to you, and we don’t want you to miss a thing! We’ll, therefore, provide you with monthly round-ups to keep you up to speed. You can expect these on the last working day of each month and here’s your first!

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How to Price Your Product in a Startup

I’m sure you’ve heard about strategic or value-based pricing, where price is determined according to the value it creates for the customer. It sounds great, we all want to avoid overpricing or underpricing our product and any subsequent revenue loss, but how do we do it?

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Dispelling the Biggest Fallacies of Product Management

Product Management has become an incredibly sought-after career path for people with all kinds of backgrounds and expertise and, while the discipline is crucial to the success of modern business, it’s still very much in a state of development. As a result of all of those factors, it’s very easy to discover myths and product management fallacies that paint a misleading picture of what it’s like to be a practising product manager. This is obviously frustrating, but it can be especially damaging when you’re still early in your career and trying to learn about the craft.

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A Product Development Framework With a Focus on Problem Solving

In my last role as head of product and engineering for a group developing cloud-native services for the SAP Cloud Platform, my work led me to define a framework for product development that spans both product management and engineering and brings with it a focus on problem solving through the product lifecycle.

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Designing Pricing Strategies: Don’t Ask – Experiment!

At ProductTank London, Tom Whitwell shared a series of excellent examples of why customer responses to pricing strategies often appear to be irrational, and why you need to test your theories and experiment to uncover the patterns in your customers’ behaviour. As part of the team that introduced the paywall in front of The Times, he knows first-hand that although changes in pricing can dramatically change the demographic and reduce the volume of your customers, they can still turn out to be counter intuitively profitable.

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A Guide to Unlocking Growth with Optimized Pricing

In this guide, Patrick Campbell, Co-Founder and CEO of ProfitWell, explains the basics of pricing your product and provides the key steps to help you develop a strategy and implement your pricing.

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Using Pricing to Inform Your Roadmap

We often think of pricing as something to do right before launching a new product. Maybe it gets a little thought during development, but it isn’t urgent. Now that we’re approaching launch though, we need a price.

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Using Behavioural Economics and Dynamic Pricing With Your Products

In this talk from ProductTank London, James Routledge shares great examples of how any products price can be dynamic when we look at it strategically. Understanding the behavioral economic principles and seasonality are invaluable factors in running pricing experiments which will help us to develop a strong and efficient pricing strategy.

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