How would you improve instagram?
I love that A/B testing has become so popular. It’s an important tool in our toolbox. But it frustrates me that we use it so poorly. Most teams make one of the following two mistakes: They either gate releases with…
This week's episode is with Danielle Morill, co-founder and CEO of Mattermark. We dive into her Mattermark story — company building, fund-…
Technical debt - a tool used to negotiate a refactor for the mess you made 6 months ago.
Do your Product Managers have what it takes to be as effective as possible? Learn the 5 skill sets that every Product Manager should posses.
Interviewing users, prioritizing, listing requirements, instructing, preparing the launch, ... Santa is probably the first product manager ever.
Mobile Session Design defines a game’s ability to pace its content and create strong long term retention. It’s one of the biggest indicators for a game’s long term success. I’ve spoken about a number of considerations you need to have…
GitHub has transformed how people code and the way software developers think about programming which led to it's acquisition by Microsoft.
Abadesi talks to Veni Kunche, who is founder and CEO of Code with Veni, a newsletter for women in tech, and Diversify Tech, an awesome onlin…
Today's most successful, fastest growing companies all practice management by objectives (MBOs) for goal-focused, company alignment. Inc. 500 companies (and even some Fortune 100 companies) all use a variety of slightly different models, including Objectives and Key Results (OKRs). With…